October 17, 2002
October 17, 2002

Two nice discs from Image Entertainment today, a kooky Hercules picture from Something Weird, and a Blackhawk Films (presumably David Shepard) double bill of two classic Soviet propaganda epics.

Hercules Against the Moon Men is pretty dreadful as muscleman movies go, but Something Weird has a beautiful transfer to show off, and hours of extras. The Witch's Curse is billed as a second feature, and there are sizeable hunks of two more Hercules pictures (hunks of hunks?) and a raft of trailers.

The End of Saint Petersburg & The Deserter are a treasure trove for film students to pore over, as Vslevolod (try spelling that name the same way twice) Pudovkin puts his camera behind his film theory and uses the cinema god Montage to create two epics of Soviet propoganda out of that communist tool, the creative editor's cut. The second film is an early talkie, where the theories begin to look dated, but the two pictures are great film junkies' fodder, and politically debatable too.

Lots of fun stuff to review. A favorite, THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP, just came in from Criterion. See you on Saturday! Glenn Erickson

Posted by DVD Savant at October 17, 2002 11:38 AM