September 01, 2003
Labor Day, September 1, 2003

Happy labor day! Hope you are all working as hard as I am. Just two more reviews, but they make ten for the week, so I'm feeling like a responsible puppy here.

Fox's Studio Classics disc of Titanic ain't no A Night to Remember, but it was made before most of the definitive research about the sinking was done. It is perhaps Hollywood's first disaster film, framing the sinking in a gripping set of personal stories. A very good picture, with Barbara Stanwyck, Clifton Webb, Audrey Dalton and Roger Wagner.

First Run Features' political documentary The Trials of Henry Kissinger openly advocates an anti-Kissinger, anti-Nixon viewpoint, and so does Savant's review, so be forewarned. There's enough straight talk and solid evidence here to turn any open mind on the subject of foreign policy. Why are we despised and feared around the world? The answer's here, f-f-f-folks.

I'll be curious to see who gets a Savant Newsletter this Wednesday. There appears to be a bad glitch in the system, and last I heard, our webmaster thinks some new Spam filter on AOL is blocking the Newsletter. It still goes out, but I don't receive mine, and the drop in hits I see on Wednesdays tells me that many readers only tune in when they receive it. I've even gotten a couple of emails asking me if Savant has stopped! (heart attack) Hopefully a solution will be found, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to drop a 5-word email saying whether they got the Newsletter or not on Thursday, I'd be most obliged. Mille Grazie.

I was halfway through a review of Pacific Family Entertainment's The Final Countdown and writing that it doesn't look very good, when I was advised that 'serious questions have been raised to who exactly owns the rights and to the legitimacy of this release'. Blue Underground has stated that they own the rights and will be putting out a deluxe version next May that everyone should wait for. That's my advice, if only for the sorry quality of the PFE disc, which I won't be reviewing after all. I have reviewed PFE's not-bad Convoy disc, which appears to be fully legit, but has encoding glitches. It may not convert properly to a 4x3 monitor. On my 16:9 screen, it expanded nicely to 2:35 proportions. Thanks for reading, Glenn Erickson

Posted by DVD Savant at September 01, 2003 02:21 PM