December 05, 2004
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ... Monday, December 5

Yours truly takes pleasure in announcing the publication of the first DVD Savant book, entitled

DVD SAVANT: A Review Resource Book.

I've been hoping for this opportunity for a long time, and from what I've seen of the results, I'm more than pleased.

I went over it again the other night for the first time in a while, and I still like the choice of reviews compiled from the 1374 that I've written for the column. I have a few review books I return to every once in awhile and I think I'd like this one too. It's called a "resource book" because someone drawing a blank on what to rent or buy could discover a great title here they might otherwise never find out about. At least, that's the brilliant idea; it always makes me feel good when someone lets me know I've led them to a movie they really liked.

I've put up a promotional page for the item with a little more information, and the expected links to where it can be ordered online. DVDTalk is fully behind the book and should have some banners up shortly to promote it.

Let me also say that I'm very grateful for the popularity of DVD Savant (you know, that review person who never ever makes mistakes or typos) and hope to keep up this fun writing for the foreseeable future. Thanks for everything.

Glenn Erickson

Posted by DVD Savant at December 05, 2004 08:50 PM