October 07, 2005
Saturday October 7, 2005

Savant's new reviews today are

Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection:
 Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope,
Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much,
Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie,
Torn Curain, Topaz, Frenzy and Family Plot; Universal

An Angel at my Table  Criterion

Hello from LA. Here's the monster Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection review, which is bound to represent a mixed bag for on-the-fence types wondering if it merits plunking down a big chunk of a paycheck. Savant was able to do some disc comparisons -- a risky activity that's strictly FWP (Fraught With Peril). But even though other more clinically-inclined websites are going over the discs with scientific instruments, Savant's fairly satisfied with his eyeball assessment of their basic quality.

The Val Lewton Collection discs just came in the door and I'm hoping to have them done soon - lots of intriguing new commentaries to listen to! Along with them came a disc of The Flesh Eaters from Dark Sky Films, which appears to be allied with the Monsters HD channel touted by Tim Lucas in recent issues of Video Watchdog. The disc is a keeper without qualification. I'll also try to have that review out as soon as possible. Thanks for reading! Glenn Erickson

Posted by DVD Savant at October 07, 2005 08:10 PM