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Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone

Deleted scenes
Posted by Deleted scenes Ayley L. on May 3, 2005 | 4.5 / 5
1. On Disc two, select Diagon Alley (Hedwig)in the opening sequence 2. Click on Gringotts, then select the key, click to get to the Gringotts area then select the coins and click. 3. This will take you back to the main page for Diagon Alley. Go to Ollivander's and choose your wand. (which ones you select is irrelevant but your third choice, whichever it is, is always the "right" one). 4. Go back to the main screen,select the wand then click, getting to the classrooms at Hogwarts. 5. Select Transfiguration (the cat), then down and select the owls on the torch, then select the H on the shield. Click OK. 6. At Fluffy the 3 headed dog, choose the Flute. 7. At the Keys, select the Silver one in the middle with a bent wing the only key that is completely over the door in the background). 8. At the Bottles select the round one with the yellow liquid. 9. Select the Red stone in the mirror which will take you to "your heart's desire" (the deleted scenes.


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Reviews: DVD Talk also has a review of Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone by Aaron Beierle
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