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Top Ten Party Schools - Uncensored

Other // Unrated // January 16, 2006
List Price: $14.95 [Buy now and save at Partyschools]

Review by Don Houston | posted January 23, 2006 | E-mail the Author
Movie: Drinking parties and college go together about as well as studying goes with good grades. For every winner that that applies themselves and gets a diploma, good grades, and a great job, there are plenty of losers that spend the time getting stoned, having lots of one night relationships, and accumulating massive loads of debt before getting kicked out into the real world. Most of us are acquainted with both types of people and most of us fall in-between these two extremes; partying enough to have fun but also working hard enough so we don't get disowned by the parents that are probably subsidizing our studies. The fantasy that a lot of people have about college is that it's all a bunch of Romanesque orgies full of beautiful coeds attending to our every sexual desire (for free even) and the degrees are easily obtained with little or no work. Like most fantasies, the truth is a lot harsher but doesn't sell as well. For fans of the fantasy though, there is a type of reality TV documentary that uses the Girls Gone Wild model of success. The specific names vary but they all cater to the idea of sexual permissiveness and drunken revelry we see in many movies. One of the newer names on the block for this type of thing is Top Ten Party Schools Uncensored.

Okay, if you've never watched this type of show, the general premise is that the cameras are rolling during parties, typically during Spring Break or other times when students let it all hang out and party. As the resident porn reviewer, I have absolutely no problems watching drunken women parade their thongs, bras, and panties with the occasional flash of breasts to liven up the mood. The problem I did have, besides the limited running time of the show (under 40 minutes is a sucky amount of time folks!), was how often the ladies appeared to be professionals. Having dropped a few bucks in strip clubs over the years, I'm pretty good at picking out strippers in a crowd. Further, I used to be friends with several local gals that were hired by MTV to populate their yearly Spring Break shows in order to boost ratings. Many of the gals, particularly the implanted ones and most daring gals, appeared to be less coed and more stripper to me (a trained expert). That's not the end of the world; after all, a bare breast is a bare breast, but the show seemed staged due to the repeated use of such gals (in my opinion of course). Here's the list of schools in order:

10: Indiana University
9: University of Florida
8: University of Wisconsin
7: College of Charleston
6: University at Albany
5: University of Illinois
4: University of Tennessee
3: University of Kansas
2: Florida State
1: University of Georgia

Overall, this seemed like a wannabe effort in need of some guidance but director Steven Jay did as good a job as could be expected with the limited amount of material he must've had. Think about it; the camera crews went to numerous colleges (and universities) and out of the total amount of schools highlighted, ten in fact, the most they could present the viewer with was a scant 39 minutes?!? Also, having been to schools that should've made the list though, including University of Massachusetts Amherst, UCLA, and others along the way, I would've liked some clue as to the methodology of the list since there was no discernable reason why one school "ranked" higher than another. I know that might call for some analysis or an actual comparison but perhaps Steven might've at least told the viewer if his getting laid more often factored into the rating or if a numerical look at how many parties counted more. Regardless of the problems though, I still thought it was worth a rating of Rent It, no matter how staged it seemed to me. If future volumes have more, and better, footage, I could see them getting better ratings too.

Picture: Top Ten Party Schools Uncensored was presented in the usual 1.33:1 ratio full frame color. Most of the time, the footage looked like it was shot by professional crews that were trying to convey a sense of amateur production by cutting off heads, mis-framing the people displayed, and moving the camera as though the show was shot on a ship at sea. Still, there was enough nudity and drinking games to distract most people that were silly enough to buy a copy of the action. The loss of focus, camera tricks, and variety of settings were all enough to give the impression that the scenes weren't set up and that the people were real.

Sound: The audio was presented in a 2.0 Dolby Digital with a lot of yelling, screaming, drunken people whooping it up into the microphone. This was punctuated with a pop music track that was obviously added in after the fact. In general, it wasn't a bad sounding show given the subject matter.

Extras: There were no extras in this very short DVD. That's kind of lame considering it lasted only 38:36 minutes and I hope future volumes rectify that oversight.

Final Thoughts: Top Ten Party Schools Uncensored was full of limitations and I'm sure that all sorts of people from each of the schools were up in arms over being listed on the DVD. The comments about how the students were there on their parent's dime probably sparked a few migraines as well. Seeing the lipstick lesbians, strippers, and other party goers was kind of interesting but something like this probably could've really shined if the project were taken more seriously and more planning (not to mention thought) had been put into it. If you're looking for nudity, there are thousands of better DVDs to pick from just as if you're looking for partying at college flicks there'll be better choices but the simulated reality of the presentation was enough to cause me to smile more than a few times as the ladies kissed, did shots out of bras, and all the other antics engaged in here.






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