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Roast of Pamela Anderson

Paramount // Unrated // February 14, 2006
List Price: $19.99 [Buy now and save at Amazon]

Review by Todd Douglass Jr. | posted February 16, 2006 | E-mail the Author
The Show:

Alright guys, you all know who Pamela Anderson is. For the past fifteen years she has become the very definition of a sex object and is without a doubt one of the hottest women on the planet. She has graced the pages and covers of many Playboys as well as appeared in several TV shows and feature films. It's hard to put a finger on what makes this woman so darned appealing to the masses, but it could have something to do with her ridiculously large rack. Call it a hunch.

Over the years she has been in and out of the spotlight for various reasons (good and bad). She has slept her way around the rock scene and while you could drop names like Bret Michaels and Kid Rock, her most infamous relationship was with Tommy Lee. I say "infamous" because of the sex tape that was leaked to the public in the late 90s and because he gave her Hepatitis C. Needless to say, Pam's life has been a media rollercoaster. Lately she's been an activist and supporter for PETA and it's through this that she became the victim of a Comedy Central Roasting.

If you've ever seen a Roast before then you should know what to expect right off the bat. There're a lot of comedians ragging on each other, some really crass jokes, and tons of flowing alcohol to move things along. Some past Roasts have been conducted for people like Drew Carrey, Chevy Chase, and Dennis Larry, so if you've seen those then you should basically know what to expect here.

The celebs and comics that appear aren't necessarily A-List, but for the most part they are pretty funny. You can expect to see Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Lisa Lampanelli, Adam Carolla, and even Golden Girl Bea Arthur fire jokes in Pam's direction. Also present are the ever-messed up Courtney Love, the not-so-funny Tommy Lee, the often painfully stupid Andy Dick, and other comedians that I have never heard of. One thing worth mentioning is that while watching this Roast it becomes obvious who had their act together and who didn't.

You can't expect everybody to hit the ball out of the park, but so much of the content here gets rehashed over and over again. I think more attention is placed on Tommy Lee and his enormous penis than is actually given to Pam. During just about every routine the comedians pick on everybody else on stage and only occasionally fire a crack at the guest of honor. Even then these jokes were mostly in reference to her relationship with Lee and the sex tape that they made. It was amusing at first but got old as the Roast continued.

As far as the jabs that were aimed at everyone else are concerned, these included mostly jokes about genitalia, racial slurs, or other general insults. Of course when war of wits with Andy Dick, Courtney Love, and even Anna Nicole Smith (out in the audience) it's a one-sided battle to say the least. Everybody tends to take everything in stride though some people do get a little overzealous about what is said. Seeing their reactions is often funnier than the joke, but there were quite a few points where the show got a chuckle out of me.

Fans of Roastings will definitely want to check out the Pamela Anderson one. The brand of humor was a little too raunchy for my taste and I didn't care for some of the racial jokes, but overall I had more than a few good laughs while watching this. This DVD features a lot of adult-oriented jokes and most of them aren't for the feint hearted. Just keep that in mind when you're trying to decide whether or not you want to watch the program.

The DVD:


The DVD is presented with the 1.33:1 full frame aspect ratio that it originally aired with on Comedy Central back in 2005. The image quality is fair with no noticeable compression artifacts or flaw to speak of. That being said, this material looks just about as good as it did when the show aired, but it didn't get a lot of sprucing up for the DVD release. The color tones appear natural and in case you were wondering, yes you can see through Pam's top.


As far as the audio for the Pamela Anderson Roast goes, the DVD is presented with a 2.0 Dolby Digital Stereo track. The quality is good for a non-surround offering, but obviously there isn't as much impact to the sound as one would hope for. I didn't encounter any technical flaws while listening to the show though the lack of directionality was kind of disappointing. There are no subtitles or other audio options on this disc.


A decent amount of supplemental features work their way onto this release and they are definitely worth taking a look at. If you love watching Andy Dick and Courtney Love be as freakish as they can be then you'll probably want to check out their rehearsal clips. Unfortunately it's not really funny and is just about as nonsensical as the next extra which features all of the presenters running to the bathroom for a Pee Break.

The better bonus content is easily the stuff that has to do with the Red Carpet, simply because it has more directional and jokes. There is a lengthy round of interviews with everyone from Dennis Rodman to Anna Nicole Smith (who proves how much of a train wreck she is). A collection of outtakes is also included but it really seems to be more like a series of short skits than real outtakes. Apart from all of these there were also some Comedy Central Quickies tossed onto the disc for Mind of Mencia, Reno 911, and South Park.

Final Thoughts:

At the end of the day whether you will enjoy this Roast or not all depends on your sense of humor. If you're the type of viewer that can't get enough of vulgar and abusive hilarity, then chances are very good that you'll want to check this out. Otherwise you should probably steer clear because most of the material here seems very hit or miss. I laughed more than a few times but found that the Roasters had a hard time keeping on track with their jokes. Of course that may have had something to do with the endless supply of booze.

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