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Extreme Chickfights

Image // Unrated // November 14, 2006
List Price: $14.99 [Buy now and save at Amazon]

Review by Ian Jane | posted November 25, 2006 | E-mail the Author
The Movie:

Evidently, there's a whole world of underground fighting in which ladies duke it out with one another, no holds barred, that most of us are unaware of. This is the world of... get ready for it... Extreme Chickfights and thanks to the magic of DVD you can know enjoy these underground brawls in the safety and comfort of your own home without having to track down these unadvertised 'secret' matches and dirty yourself by walking in among the unwashed masses who attend them.

If the title didn't give it away, the premise is that compiled here for your enjoyment are a series of video recordings of those underground fights wherein girls beat each other up in front of a crowd of men who hoot and holler and wave things around in the air. It's pretty base entertainment, and rather seedy. After the end of each fight we are treated to interviews with the participants in which they talk about their motivations for fighting and why they do what they do (they're all here of their own free will and most of them seem to be into it for kicks).

Along for the ride are our two hosts, Trailer and Skyler (who looks to be all of fifteen years old or so and who stars into the camera in the creepiest way), and accompanying them are a doctor who is on hand in case any of the competitors get too beaten for their own good. A DJ is also here, playing the same song over and over and over and over and over again, as is a referee. None of these supporting players are all that interesting, but thankfully the girls, at least in the interviews, are. Most of them, surprisingly enough, seem to have their heads screwed on right so it's interesting to hear them talk about this sport they've chosen to compete in after stepping out of the ring. While there's definitely got to be some sort of 'crazy' factor at work here inspiring them to get in there and beat each other up in the first place, it is to their credit that they don't all come across as raving lunatics or crack addicts when they're given the chance to say their piece.

With that said, the merits of this disc will lie pretty much primarily with the quality of the fights. Are they any good? Well, truth be told they're not bad. If you're into the UFC style where different styles can go up against one another without the restrictions that are found in a standard boxing match, then this will probably provide some entertainment value for it. The problem is that even though some of the fights are pretty good, the whole thing has a really scuzzy feel to it. That's probably part of the appeal of something like this to a certain crowd but this reviewer couldn't help but feel unclean by the time it was all over with. Again, the women are here doing this of their own free will and in theory that should go at least part of the way towards making this okay, but it's easy to forget that when two girls are smacking the crap out of one another in front of a bunch of guys who are obviously getting off on it to a certain extent. The argument could probably be made that it's the (primarily male) audience that's being exploited here and not the combatants, but the fact remains that these men are paying to see women hurt one another. One the other hand, it's not like there aren't plenty of people who have paid to see men fight for ages now, maybe this is just the next step in the strange evolution of competitive fighting – even if that is the case, it still feels wrong. The commentary and the horrible background music don't do anything to help matters here, instead they seem to play up the more exploitative elements of the matches that we see in an attempt to get the crowd worked up.


These fights were shot on video under less than ideal conditions using what looks like natural lighting in places like warehouses where the bouts took place. As such, the quality of this material in terms of how it looks can only be so good. While Image's disc is well authored in that there aren't any mpeg compression artifacts or heavy edge enhancement, the source material here is far from perfect. There's some motion blurring during the fights that is a little distracting and the black levels tend to fluctuate a fair bit. The image is fairly soft and it lacks a lot of really fine detail. It's all perfectly watchable but do keep in mind that these underground fights weren't exactly shot using high end gear or with a huge crew of technicians.


An English language Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo track is what adorns this disc in terms of its audio presentation. The music blares for pretty much the entire time and it does overpower some of the audio captured from the fights. The interviews that take place after the fights are reasonably clear sounding, which is good as they're the most interesting part of this release. Don't look for any alternate language dubs or subtitle tracks, as you aren't going to find any.


Well, aside from chapter/fight selection and some menu screens, the only other extra features on this release are a slideshow exhibiting a few of the more memorable moments from the fights, and a music video (for a song called Chick Fights by Black Pimp) that replays the same annoying theme song that we're beaten over the head with during the feature.

Final Thoughts:

Extreme Chickfights is pretty much bottom of the barrel material. While some of the fights are entertaining, the presentation is pretty lackluster and it's made even worse by the commentators, hosts, and repetitive music. If you're a hardcore fight fan who has to see everything or really big into seeing girls beat each other up in front of a crowd of sweaty, horny guys then this should appeal to you, otherwise, skip it.

Ian lives in NYC with his wife where he writes for DVD Talk, runs Rock! Shock! Pop!. He likes NYC a lot, even if it is expensive and loud.

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